Wealth Planning

The area of estate and family planning specializes in providing legal advice related to the organization, protection, transmission, and perpetuation of assets, as well as the prevention of conflicts in family businesses and for individuals.

Our multidisciplinary experience, accumulated over years of consistent practice in tax, corporate, civil, and contractual areas, enables us to diagnose the best approaches for resolving complex situations involving the planning, division, or restructuring of personal assets.

We provide tools and strategies for asset protection, succession organization, and tax planning for heirs and other beneficiaries.

Our practice includes evaluating the use of the most appropriate legal tools to analyze situations with family and succession implications, as well as corporate and tax strategies, both through local vehicles and abroad. We identify the advantages and disadvantages, tax risks, and alternatives to prevent or resolve corporate and family conflicts.

This practice involves drafting family and shareholder agreements, establishing holding companies, executing corporate reorganizations, preparing companies for the entry of new partners, assessing the tax advantages of early succession, drafting wills, mediating conflict situations, among other aspects, always considering compliance with relevant legislation and jurisprudence.

Key Services:

  • Drafting family agreements
  • Drafting shareholder agreements
  • Establishing holding companies
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • Preparing the company for the entry of new partners
  • Assessing the tax advantages of early succession
  • Drafting wills
  • Mediating conflict situations
  • Analyzing and applying local and international corporate and tax strategies
  • Identifying appropriate legal tools for family and succession situations
  • Evaluating advantages and disadvantages, tax risks, and alternatives to prevent or resolve corporate and family conflicts