Private Equity

We specialize in advising on investment and divestment transactions, acting on both the buyer’s and the seller’s sides. Our experience covers the purchase and sale of companies, primary investments, joint venture formations, and other forms of business combinations, always seeking the best solutions for our clients.

We advise private equity funds, both domestic and international, on investments across various industries in Brazil. Our qualified team ensures that each transaction is conducted with the utmost efficiency and legal security, addressing the specific needs of each client.

Our practice is comprehensive and covers all economic sectors, including the financial market, technology, agribusiness, energy, services, industry, health, and others.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Our practice encompasses all phases of M&A transactions, including structuring the transaction, legal due diligence, drafting and negotiating contracts, and overseeing the closing of the transaction. Additionally, we manage pre-approval processes with key regulatory bodies in the country, such as CVM, the Central Bank of Brazil, and SUSEP.

Our partners are actively involved in transactions and are present at all stages of the process, from negotiation through structuring and supervising legal due diligence. We also have a team of professionals recognized for their high technical quality, excellence in client service, and high ethical standards.

Our M&A practice is driven by the commitment to meet the specific needs of each client. We develop customized legal alternatives and solutions focused on effective and efficient results. We are “pro-deal” and always seek to facilitate the completion of transactions. Our expertise in transaction negotiation and risk analysis allows us to identify and mitigate potential issues, ensuring the security and success of transactions for our clients.

Our corporate team works closely with our tax team to propose tax structures for transactions to mitigate risk.

Technology Applied to M&A Transactions

As part of our commitment to excellence, we have implemented technology initiatives aimed at cost reduction focused on the client and efficiency measures, ensuring streamlined processes and optimized results. For example, we offer our VBSO Conecta platform, designed to enhance engagement and transparency with clients throughout the mergers and acquisitions process. VBSO Conecta provides clients with real-time updates on their cases, from the legal due diligence stages to the final phases of the process.