Digital Law

More and more businesses are undergoing digital transformation processes, relying on the use of technology and data analysis to develop new products, services, or ways of working. This movement has legal implications of various kinds, involving e-commerce, data privacy, information security, intellectual property, taxation, contracts, banking regulation, among others.

Digital Law is a relatively new area, but it already has some specific regulations, such as the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), the Brazilian Internet Civil Framework, and the National Cybersecurity Strategy, which apply directly or indirectly to companies that use technology in their internal and external processes.

In this context, VBSO Advogados, through a multidisciplinary approach, assists its clients in adapting processes for compliance and adherence to Digital Law regulations, including:

  • Analysis of processes and contracts used in the personal data processing chain;
  • Auditing of data processed by the client to assess the existence of sensitive data or special treatment requirements;
  • Adapting companies to privacy, data protection, and digital compliance (LGPD, Brazilian Anti-Corruption Laws, and the Brazilian Internet Civil Framework);
  • Drafting legal opinions and legal theses on topics related to the LGPD;
  • Drafting Terms of Use and Privacy Policies to ensure legal compliance for companies;
  • Legal support for compliance with Digital Law legislation, including monitoring regulations, public consultations, and interactions with government authorities;
  • Representation in judicial and administrative proceedings in cases of non-compliance with Digital Law regulations.