Credit Recovery & Insolvency

Our practice has extensive experience advising creditors, financiers, and investors in some of the most significant restructuring cases in the country, having excelled in representing our clients’ interests in judicial recovery, extrajudicial recovery, and bankruptcy proceedings.

In the agribusiness sector, we have built a solid reputation in restructuring processes for rural producers, agribusinesses, dealers, and other economic agents in the sector. Our practice is particularly prominent in advising creditors, especially in the early stages of judicial recoveries of rural producers, which enables us to implement innovative and sophisticated legal solutions, particularly in light of legislative changes affecting distressed rural producers.

We have a specialized team in credit and asset recovery, involving the management of enforcement actions and general collection measures, as well as the execution of guarantees of any nature. Our close relationships with financial institutions, trading companies, multinational suppliers, and other economic agents in the agribusiness chain have fostered our specialization in recovering agribusiness credits, giving us extensive experience in implementing measures to recover assets covered by the guarantees commonly used in the sector (such as grains, inventory, machinery, rural real estate, etc.).

To meet our clients’ needs, we have our headquarters in São Paulo (SP) and offices in Goiânia (GO) and Vinhedo (SP), with correspondents and partner offices certified in various cities across the states of MT, MS, MG, MA, TO, PI, BA, PA, PR, SC, CE, and RS, especially in cities with a strong agribusiness presence.

Main Services:

  • Representation of creditors in judicial recovery, extrajudicial recovery, bankruptcy, judicial and extrajudicial liquidation, insolvency-related incidents and disputes, including incidents of piercing the corporate veil, among others;
  • Credit and asset recovery – in addition to handling judicial and extrajudicial collection measures, including urgent relief, our practice specializes in asset searches and investigations, as well as in filing fraudulent transfer actions and piercing the corporate veil actions;
  • Extrajudicial debt restructuring and corporate restructurings involving distressed businesses;
  • Advisory services to investors interested in stressed assets or financing for distressed economic agents;
  • Advisory services in transnational insolvency processes, in partnership with qualified firms.