
VBSO and Monteiro Rusu tokenize commercial paper

The Latin American Lawyer

VBSO Advogados and Monteiro Rusu Advogados, together with Itaú, Laqus, Liqi and Oliveira Trust, tokenized a commercial paper worth R$ 40 million from a company in the electric sector following the regulations of a traditional public offering.

In other words, the institutions did not need to transform the operation into an investment via crowdfunding, as the market has been doing since the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) published two notices on how companies can offer investment products registered on blockchain.

In this tokenization, Itaú BBA originated and structured the credit with a maturity of five and a half years, Itaú was the investor, Laqus acted as the central depository, Liqi registered the asset on the blockchain, Oliveira Trust served as fiduciary agent, registrar, and settlement bank. VBSO Advogados and Monteiro Rusu Advogados handled the legal structuring.

VBSO Advogados had the participation of partners Henrique Lisboa (pictured top left) and Erik Oioli(pictured top right), with the cooperation of associates Leonardo Pontes, Clarissa Pradel, Bruno Bonomi, Giulia Barthem, Raphael Martire Rocha, and intern Carolina Aguera.

Monteiro Rusu Advogados had the participation of partners Roberto Rusu (pictured bottom left) and Marina Fenerich (pictured bottom right) and associates Pamela Custódio and Rebeca Barros.

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